few words about Me...

My photo
Hi, my name is Bozena - Somewhat of a mother and friend somewhat of a life lover who happens to paint...a little ;-))) Please - take my invitation into my own world of colours,lights and shadows:)I hope you will find some inspirations and my simple art will bright up your mood today;-)) If you would decide to ask me to paint something nice for you...maybe portrait - do not hesitate call me please - 00353 851231348

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Interior design

From time to time I deal with the interior design. 
Most helped rebuild the interior of a shop, into a restaurant
an old small pub in a new night club, etc..
This time I changed old closed night club
into a joyful place - where families can spend time together
and eat something sweet and tasty.
Restaurant  "ABBAS ",Pyskowice Town ,Poland

This place, literally is called " Abbas,the House of Pancakes "

I helped change dark interior into the fairy-tale world;-)
Main dish on the menu are pancakes, of course, in dozens of varieties..and names
as the tales of Thousand and One Nights !

detail of the paintings on the wall.
Scarecrow's wife and a little houses for bees ;-)

another place in the restaurant..
with staffage made with arificial flowers


Cafe Verdi ,Shopping center "Platan "Zabrze , Poland
I designed both - the logos and the interior for cafeteria



 pub "Dwie Wiedżmy"(Two Witches;-)  ,Żory, Poland
Interior desing in traditional,old  polish country style, 2004

Table and bench

a Bar...

in " the orchard"...

 Main entrance ...with traditional thatch !


and the hottest interior designed and decored by me !
" Chilli"  Dance Nihgt Club Mikołów, Poland,2004

Crazy,Cabaret Paris !

Mysterious italian Bordello!

Cosmic space ship with frozen ALIEN !!

Ancient Egypt with hand made sculpture of two mummy !

 egyptian murals continued on the next walls...

Dance floor with logo

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bouquet of flower paintings

As you may have noticed - on my other posts 
I prefer paint
   still life from the kitchen...This time I tried to paint something different...
but still colorful and with nice smelling;)) 

oil on canvas
12 x 14 inches 



                         Last year,in June I bought several  very interesting paintings in Gallery "Florian Gate" -
in Krakow.
                            There were done by Marlena .Łozinska ( the owner of this gallery)
She is  very talented and nice person...
her oil paintings inspired me very much -
 so, I decided to paint my own copy of one of her paintings now..Daffodils.. 

8 x 10 inches
oil on canvas
I hope you enjoy this touch of spring from my easel

detail of Daffodils painting 

Another canvas done with  the same Daffodils, just for training;)
just for fun;))) finally framed...
8 x 10 inches
oil on canvas


White St.Antony's Lile
8 x 6 invhes
oil on a board

framed ...


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Magic paitings for kids ;-)


Hello my dear friends ;-) I've just finished another colorful  piece ;-)))
Mr Biscuit ;-)))
 I found this dog in internet - 
I don't know Mr Biscuit's name and who was taken this photo
but...I fell in love immediately!!
Look......in his dogs-eyes..I know, it is a bit  difficult ;-))) they are well hidden...
I think....
It could be my own doggie;-)))))

Oil on canvas
10 x 12 inch

Pan Herbatnik;-))
Znalazłam to zdjęcie przeszukując z jakiejś
okazji przepastne czeluści internetu, I? natychmiast się zakochałam!!
Czyż nie piękne chytre spojrzonko???
Jeszcze chwilka i wykradniety herbatnik zniknie
w zadowolonej psiej mordie....KOCHAM PSISKA;-))
kociska tez...wypadałoby namalować jakoweś kociątko też
choćiażby dla miłosnej równowagi;-))

Olejowy blejtramik
nieduży ;-)


" Kocie miasteczko "
 "The little cat town "...painted for my youngest polish friend
- Hannah , 2 y.old ;-)
as a gift...
oil on hard board
8 x 10 inches

Obecnie "Kocie Miasteczko" ozdabia
śliczny pokoik Małej Haneczki...;-))
Jej baardzo kreatywna Mama Ania

 wymyśliła śliczną dziewczęcą rózową ramkę...
coś Wam jeszcze powiem....jestem zawsze wzruszona ,szczególnie gdy sprawa dotyczy dzieci...
że ktoś bedzie teraz patrzył na MOJ obraz jeszcze długo dłuuugo...
a dzieciaki będa dorastać z nimi........poprostu.Zanim zasłonią je swoim pierwszym...
kolejnym idolem;-)))))

Hannah's Mammy;-) (above)
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas


the Famous  Dorset Hill ...
HOVIS BREAD advertising 1974....

Znalazłam kiedys zdjęcie pewnego miejsca na ziemi,
które urzekło mnie swoim delikatnym pieknem...
i jak to czasami u mnie..;-) postanowiłam uwiecznić je na swoim płócienku....
oto zdjęcie-znalezisko..

.i moja wersja;))) 
u mnie mniej grożne niebo...bo wolę ŁOSOSICOWE.....;-))) zachody słońca....

Dodam tylko ,że to miasteczko
 jakiś czas temu "grało udział" w reklamie chlebka Hovis
Wszyscy je pamiętają właśnie z tego...;-) 



" Zaginione piórko"
Missing ,White Feather
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

w celu porównania z oryginałem...proponuje wizytę 
u pana Dariusza Milińskiego...
którego obrazy swego czasu bardzo mnine "usmiechały";-))


"Księzycowy kotek "
Lunar  Kitty- a gift for little Sophia ;-)
6 x8 inches
oil on canvas


"Tańczące misie i Łasiczka przygrywająca na
 fleciku Piccolo"- pomysł mojej córki Madzi
Namalowałam te zwierzaki dwukrotnie....
Jeden obrazek wisi gdzieś...u kogoś na ścianie....
pewnien lekarz kupił ten obraz do pokoju swoich synów..
A druga wersja u mojej siostry Agatki.....w pokoju jej synka Mateuszka;-))

 "Dancing Bears with Weasel playing piccolo "
This is a copy of some 16th centuries English paining.
I found it in internet and I added some extras;-)
invented by my daughter Magdalena
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter OIL impressions

Late,Snowy Sunflowers
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

Counrty winter by Monet
12 x 14 inches
oil on canvas

Andersen's  winters fairy tale..;-)
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

My glass art

My special commision
Summer 2003
This time : window with a window frame
used to construct a special decorative composition.
I called it  " Rainy Day in Toscany with bird nestle "

..side view.
Size about 45 cm x 65 cm x 7 cm


Hand painted christmas decoration
Christmas fairy tale motifs, painted on the glass windows of the demolished old house
Bytom ,Poland ,2005

..and another old window preserved from destruction..;-)

and I, in the cafeteria "Pod Czaplą" Bytom,Poland.
I decorated the walls in the cafe with my own works;-)
Individual Art exibition , Christmas 2005


Little dancing Angel  done for my daughter Magdalena ;-)


My very first glass panel in Tiffany style....
An individual pieces of glass cut and covered with copper foil,
 just waiting to put together

first attempt.....

Final efect  20 x 35 cm


Another glass panel..this time stained glass - St.Bridget Cross

Morning Sunilght  catch ....


and finally  framed by my husband....


Last year, I took part in the art workshops
 during the annual Festival of Jewish Culture ' 2010 in Cracow.
I designed templates for stained glass that focus on Jewish culture..

 in black and white