few words about Me...

My photo
Hi, my name is Bozena - Somewhat of a mother and friend somewhat of a life lover who happens to paint...a little ;-))) Please - take my invitation into my own world of colours,lights and shadows:)I hope you will find some inspirations and my simple art will bright up your mood today;-)) If you would decide to ask me to paint something nice for you...maybe portrait - do not hesitate call me please - 00353 851231348

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter OIL impressions

Late,Snowy Sunflowers
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

Counrty winter by Monet
12 x 14 inches
oil on canvas

Andersen's  winters fairy tale..;-)
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

1 comment:

  1. I love paintings but I don't know how to paint. Nice piece you have. Can you visit this link flower paintings please feel free to drop by...
