few words about Me...

My photo
Hi, my name is Bozena - Somewhat of a mother and friend somewhat of a life lover who happens to paint...a little ;-))) Please - take my invitation into my own world of colours,lights and shadows:)I hope you will find some inspirations and my simple art will bright up your mood today;-)) If you would decide to ask me to paint something nice for you...maybe portrait - do not hesitate call me please - 00353 851231348

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Something SWEET...;))


At the beginning of new season
I painted something sweet - to celebrate the First Anniversary of my first oil painting...
Kitten Mathilda with sunflowers....
yes, it had happened about year ago...about 26-th of October,2010...;-)))

Na początek nowego sezonu z pędzelkiem, niejako w rocznicę
rozpoczęcia tej terpentynowej zabawy w sztukę,
postanowiłam namalować kilka słodkości - coś jakby urodzinowy,
zbiorowy torcik;-))
oto pierwsza odsłona na słodko....

Male Różowe ,na wszystko gotowe;-)
maleńkie ciasteczko z namalowane w zestawie z kolega poniżej
olej na kartonie
10 x 20 cm

 Falbankowo -perłowy kolega..również maleństwo
na twardej tekturze

The set of two pinky beauties;-))
oil on a hard board;-)
4 x 8 inches

Oczywiście gotowe na wszytko - znaczy w ramce..;-)

Wyszperana w TKMax-ie;-)


Małe- Kremowe ( na wszystko gotowe;-) z cytrynowa galaretką;-)

8 x 8 inches
oil on canvas


Small, creamy cup cake with  ONLY one cherry

Maleńkie Cudeńko  z dyskretną wisienką 
8 x 6 onches
oil on canvas


Oh,morning dream...Sweet breakfast !

Śniadanko na słodko czyli
Rózowe mleczko z dżemową porzeczka;-))

as usual, oil on canvas


Three cup cakes....with pink roses...elegance and so tempting ;-)

No cóż -Trzy maleńkie ciasteczka w przybraniu z róż ;-)

jak zwykle u mnie :
Olej na płótnie..


 Very chocolate muffin with very-jelly strawberry ,

Bardzo czekoladowe ciasteczko z truskawką na wysoki połysk;-)

olej na płótnie, maleśtwo
6 x 6 inches


Few days ago, I was searching something in a Google...
Suddenly ,I found HIM......Mr Biscuit in his own;-))
I don't know who was taken this photo,and what is His name...
but I fell in love;-))!!

Isn't he SOOO SWEET..???
 Mr Biscuit
Oil on canvas
8 x 10 inch


PORTRAITS......my biggest proud;))*

My first portrait ever....LITTLE SOPHIA 

Just before Christmas, I met
grasious ,tiny Sophia....through her photographs -
Her Dad, asked me to paint her portrait for Grandma as The Christmas Gift….🎁 .
It was for me the real beginning of a journey into the land of oil portraits ;-)

The first sketching..improving...and the my uncertainty ;-)

And after three hours of painting....Hurray;-)  Sophia's portrait  was finished !
Ready to be a gift for her Granny ;-))
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

..look at those pretty eyes...;-))
(many thanks !!!for her Parents-for their permission
for publish a photo and fnished portrait of Sophia on my blog)
I still try to learn irish;-))


  Story about the portrait of little girl....Jenny from Norway;-))

Her parents asked me to paint her portrait -  from her  photo , taken last Summer.
It is a bit" flat" - it was taken with flash lamp - but I will tried to find
some idea , how to paint this beautiful little face in the more interesting way..
As I always do.


After first few hours of my work  - Jenny looks NEARLY alike to herself...
But I still need to focuse more on the details...
f.e: the left eye should be more similar to the Jenny's left eye
The shape of her face....should be a bit ..fuller from right side....

 Below view from a little distance..
Sometimes it really works ( for me) to take a photo of my works -
especially in a half way (,as now) It is easier to see possible
mistakes done....

sometimes- the B&W version of original photo is also very helpful to see
the depth of the face - ( kind of 3D efect)- so important for the portraits...

I am still away from the end of my work.. 
so many invisible and so delicate "touches of the brush" are still waiting
to be discovered...Portrait  it is a REAL journey....I love this game;-))
Ok - better come back to my workshop - "we need to talk;-))"
Little less conversation a little more action please;-))- as E.Presley sang!
Now only me and the brushes;-))
and cute little girl;-)

Final effect....beautiful little face ,framed ;-))
LITTLE JENNY form Sarpsborg;-)



Touch  of  PAST TIMES

 " Even the longest journey starts with the first step "- Confucius
...even the best portrait begins with a sketch.... 
best to learn from the masters ...
this time the good old pin-up girl portrait ....
full of feminine warmth and sex appeal ;-))
For me, the most beautiful inspiration is always in the Past ..

new challenge....Uncle's portrait as a gift for wedding !


....that is a tale about the dreams comes true;-)

One day , my best friend Agnieszka ( from Poland,Kraków)
 share with me with her  dream.. And she asked me for
painting middle sized portrait of some jewish man for her.
This is kind of legend in Poland...If you have a Portrait of Jewish man hanging on the wall- 
it guarantees the inflow of money into the home  budget !
She suggest me her favorite "face" for this jewish man ...
Haim Topol from the movie - " the Fiddler on the roof"

Below, the final effect of my work...

Specially painted for my friend Agnieszka  in Cracow !
10 x 12 inches
oil on canvas

the twinkle in his eye...;-))

and some "enriched: version


The nicest thing in the world......the best friend's smile
Agnieszka's smile..
is the greatest pleasure to see a smile on her face


  MAMMA  A LA  ITALIANA.........portrait of Giampietro's Mum ;) 



 portrait in oil pencils....



a gift for my friend....